Information on changes caused by the coronavirus
Feltöltve: 2020-03-24
Personal attendance in Lokal Municipality in Mágocs and sub-office in Alsómocsolád cashier is limited only to urgent cases and cases that can not be solved otherwise. Please kindly contact the employees of these institutions by phone or e-mail.
Contact in Mágocs:
Dr. Morvay Klaudia (+36-72/451-110)
Contact in Alsómocsoládon:
Erb Flóriánné (+36-72/451-749)
Municipality, community center, library, computer room, etc. are currently closed for personal use until recalled.
Please be informed, that all the events, community initiatives and meetings of civil organizations are cancelled until recalled.
Please be informed, that junk-clearance announced for April 10, 2020 in Alsómocsolád, is cancelled.
Starting March 17, 2020 until recalled all the catering establishments, restaurants and shops are open only between 6AM and 3PM. Exceptions are grocery shops, drogery stores, shops selling cleaning and sanitary items, pharmacys and shops selling medical items, petrol stations and Tobacco shops.
In Alsómocsolád the working hours of Kék ABC grocery stay unchanged. Kapucinus Söröző pub working hours in working days 6:30-12:00 and 14:00-15:00, on weekends 7:00-15:00; Tobacco shop working hours in working days 6:30-12:00 and 14:00-17:00, on weekends 7:00-17:00.
General - practitioner Dr. Lajos Tarai in person can be reached ONLY in the doctors office in Magocs.
Address: 7342 Mágocs, Szabadság u. 22.
Phone nr.: +36-72/451-199
Working hours:
Monday: 13:00 – 16:00
Tuesday: 7:30 – 11:00
Wednesday: 7:30 – 11:00
Thursday: 7:30 – 11:00
Friday: 7:30 – 11:00
The maximum number of people allowed to be in the waiting room in the same time is 2, the rest of patients should wait outdoors. Please use meeting in person only in justified cases. The prescription for regularly taken medicines will be automatically prolonged for 3 months. In non-urgent cases and cases you need any other kind of prescription, please call Dr. Tarai at +36- 72/451-199.
Please be informed, that dental services are available ONLY for emergency cases (urgent extraction, bleeding). In the waiting room only one person – the patient – is allowed. Phone nr.: +36-72/451-114