Presentation of Alsómocsolad village

Alsómocsolád is a village of 320 inhabitants, located in the Northern part of Baranya County, in Southern Hungary, the gateway of the Baranya Ridge, one of the pearls of our narrow environment thanks to its outstanding natural values.
The village is well connected with public utilities, modern telecommunication, and IT connections. The village has primary health care, day and residential care for the elderly, a tourist complex, and a number of community centres.
We in Mocsolád are proud of our past; we seek to build our future on our assets and values, while honouring our traditions.
We do it together! We have developed a new model of self-government with the involvement of all the actors of the municipality - citizens, economic organisations, civil society organisations - which focuses on the institutionalisation of strategic management and a jointly defined vision.
Our vision is: "Alsómocsolád is a small, livable, friendly, and innovative settlement of the 21st century, preserving and renewing its values, growing from the local economy, increasing the number of its inhabitants."
Our mission: 'To create a liveable settlement, protected, valued, and loved by its citizens, which retains its population and attracts those who have left; responds to the challenges of our times; seeks and finds its breakthrough points; develops on a human scale; constantly renews itself, makes itself open, interesting, and attractive to the world; seeks out opportunities that can serve local, regional, and wider needs in an economically viable way."
This vision is being implemented to make the town open, interesting and attractive to the world. It seeks out opportunities that can serve local, regional and wider needs in an economically viable way.
This planned vision is embodied in the economic programmes, cycle programmes, sub-strategies, and development plans approved by the Council. Its implementation is ongoing through the use of the instruments developed. As a result, over the last 32 years Alsómocsolád has become a municipality with a well-developed infrastructure and active citizens, open to the challenges of our times.
The directions institutionalised during our work:
  • strategic management,
  • local economy development,
  • social development,
  • role of regional development engine,
  • network organisation/network development.
Thanks to conscious community development, civic participation in Alsómocsolád is not limited to being active in the municipality's public affairs. A colourful range of societal engagement has developed on the initiative of active citizens, as is best illustrated by the 11 NGOs operating in the municipality, including associations organised around a range of interests: the Alsómocsolád Patchwork Club, the Alsómocsolád Sports Association, the May Skittles Club; organisations performing interest representation for age groups and social groups, such as the Democratic Children and Youth Municipality of Alsómocsolád, Foundation for Alsómocsolád, Autumn Light Foundation, PUBLIC-SPACE-NET Foundation, the Circle of Friends Originating from Alsómocsolád that represents the roots to those who left the village, Alsómocsolád Civil Guard Association acting for the preservation of public security, and the Pearl of Seven Streams Nature Park Association that builds upon the collaboration of the region.
The long-term vision of our village is characterised by openness, value preservation, and renewal, our basic principle is that everything that happens in Alsómocsolád should serve the village's inhabitants, but also contribute to the liveability of the region through its multiplicative effect, and to a global society development by sharing experiences and good practices. The main value of the village is not in the material assets it generates, but in the accumulated and constantly growing knowledge - in its intellectual values - and in its strong, cohesive, creative, and supportive community. Our community's goal is the conscious, systematic development along the lines of strategic thinking, so that Alsómocsolád does not become a vegetating, but a viable settlement that is a factor in global competition, and we also cultivate international relations to this end. We are proud of the connections we have made in recent years - a Hungarian twin settlement in Romania with Satu Mare to nurture common roots, traditions, and national values; joint thinking and joint action with a Norwegian partner to create active and quality ageing; practical support for lifelong learning by developing modules for adult education centres with Norwegian and Slovenian partners.
We are looking for partners to implement the future vision of our town in order to exchange knowledge, share experiences and develop and implement joint programs; partners who think along the same basic values ​​as us and are open to cooperation.